The Importance of the Principle of Procedural Justice in the Construction of Social Policy Instruments (Excerpt)

Justice is blind

In this article, we point out the importance of procedural justice in the process of construction of social policy. The principle of procedural justice in its pure form is described by Rawls (1995), who is referring to Brian Barry. We distinguish perfect and imperfect procedural justice.

The full text of the article is available in Slovak.


When we put emphasis on the principle of procedural justice in the construction of social policy instruments, we do not motivate the growth of human vices such as cheating in order to acquire state help, and thus decrease the wasting of public finance. That is the primary advantage of procedural justice.

The basic thesis of behavioral psychology is: a reinforced behavior will occur more often in the future. Putting insufficient effort into approaching procedural perfection can, in the end, inflate social problems to such proportions, that it will be unsustainable and societally unbearable to try to solve them.

We agree with Tomeš (2010), according to whom a person contributing to social solidarity should not gain less from it than a person who did not contribute at all. On the other hand, we should point out that procedural imperfection in the social system is substantially drawing us away from this theoretical ideal.


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